Getting Started

Variable examples

There are only a few variables which are defined to get started with this role.

# Only set to true if desired to set root password...for Debian/Ubuntu systems

bootstrap_debian_set_root_pw: false

# Define root password for hosts
# If Ubuntu/Debian choose wisely if you want to do this
# Generate password (echo password | mkpasswd -s -m sha-512)
# The password below is 'P@55w0rd'
bootstrap_root_password: '$6$8tMUxKP33/$Fb/hZBaYvyzGubO9nrlRJMjUnt3aajXZwxCifH9NYqrhjMlC9COWmNNFiMpnyNGsgmDeNCCn2wKNh0G1E1BBV0'

# Defines if root password should be set
# This only applies to non Debian/Ubuntu systems
bootstrap_set_root_pw: false

Variables explained:

  • The bootstrap_debian_set_root_pw defines if the root password should be set on Debian based systems.
  • The bootstrap_install_fail2ban defines if fail2ban should be installed.
  • The bootstrap_root_password defines the root password to be set.
  • The bootstrap_set_root_pw defines if non Debian/Ubuntu root passwords should be set.

Playbook example

- hosts: all
  become: true
    - role: ansible-bootstrap